[Feature] Food & Booze: Hangover Cures

So it’s happened. You’ve woken up in last night’s clothes, the state of your mouth gives a whole new meaning to the word ‘parched’ and the night’s events closely resemble a Ke$ha song. While your painfully wise friend is telling you that you shouldn’t have drunk in the first place, the damage is done and we’re here with a cure.

Much like the many spirits, cocktails and beers you consumed last night, the morning after sees you spoiled for choice. If you have free rein of the kitchen, say hello to hangover cure number one. For those that swear by something greasier than your acne-riddled adolescent self, the classic bacon and egg combination is infallible. Eggs contain cysteine, which helps the liver break down hangover-causing toxins, and when surrounded by a hefty helping of carbs, it’s a tasty no-brainer.
If you’re thick-skinned enough to step into the outside world, it’s time for late night drunken feasts to double as the morning’s saviour. Take a trip to your local Golden Arches and partake in the age-old tradition of the cheeseburger and large postmix Coke. McDonald’s have been known to open their doors to many a drunk and dreary traveller, and really, if introducing 24-hour restaurants doesn’t show their dedication to this, then I don’t know what does.
If the ol’ burger and soft drink is too pedestrian, then steer your sorry self in the direction of the closest ethnic eatery to indulge in either a kebab or a burrito. The kebab and the burrito offer just enough grease, just enough carbs and just enough meaty protein to make you forget that you thought those tequila shots were a good idea. If you’ve attempted to brave the day’s tutes and lectures, Uni Brothers Kebabs in Wentworth have got you covered. If a Mexican feast is more your style, Guzman Y Gomez in Newtown are famed for their monster-sized burritos. They also serve a delicious frozen margarita and selection of Mexican beers, but beware: partaking in more alcohol will only act as a Band-Aid to your suffering as it merely dulls the senses and prolongs the healing process.
If by chance you can’t even begin to fathom ingesting any of the above, take up residence on the lounge with a collection of mindless sitcoms at your disposal. Since alcohol is a diuretic, the number one cause of a hangover stems from dehydration, so as good as it was to fall into bed in your clothes after stumbling through the door as the sun was coming up; you’re now probably regretting not guzzling that litre of water. Sit back and let operation rehydration begin with a bottle of electrolyte-laden energy drink. Berry Gatorade anyone?

Recipe: Flaming Moe

Did you ever happen to see that episode of The Simpsons where Homer concocts his own cocktail known as the “Flaming Homer”? His bartender pal Moe steals it and hits the big time, and thus it’s been remembered as the “Flaming Moe”. After some careful sleuthing, we’ve tracked down (and put our own spin on) a recipe that’s as spot-on as you’re going to get. We’ve even found a substitute if you’re not keen on the mindless consumption of children’s cough syrup!

What you need

  • 1 shot of Brandy
  • ½ shot of Chambord
  • 1 shot of Crème de Menthe
  • 1 shot of Pineapple Juice
  • 1 shot of Berry Sour Monkey
  • 1 shot of Blackcurrant Cordial (if you’re feeling saucy, try 1 tbsp children’s cough syrup instead to keep it authentic!)
  • 1 tsp Black Sambucca (for burning)
  • Crushed ice

How to make

  • Add ingredients (bar Sambuca) into a cocktail shaker.
  • Add ice and shake well.
  •  Strain into a glass tumbler.
  • Add 1 tsp Black Sambuca and light on fire.
  • Extinguish before serving.